Open For Business

I wanted to take a moment to give everyone an update on how we're doing out here in California. My family, the cats, and I are all doing well, and I want to thank everyone who has been sending kind words and well wishes.

Since my business is just me, I'm going to stay open and continue receiving pens and nibs for work. I have plenty of JoWo #6 nib units ready for customization. If I have a pen or nib of yours, it is in the queue and will be returned shortly.

I hope you all stay safe, stay well, and stay home. Take care of yourself and others. And keep writing!


Cursive Italic on JoWo Broad

If you’re unsure where to start on your custom-nib journey, a Cursive Italic can be a great first (or second, or third, or fourth…) grind! The broader the tipping size you start out with, the more line-width variation you’ll be able to see. That means that the down strokes will be broader, making them more distinct from the narrow cross-strokes. Cursive Italic grinds do require some getting used to, though; they can’t be rotated while writing.

This Cursive Italic grind was done on a Broad JoWo nib on a beautiful Newton Pens body. The ink is Waterman Serenity Blue.

Needlepoint Nib Grind

Needlepoint nibs (sometimes called an “Accountant’s Point”) are definitely not for everyone! By definition they are very, very, very fine, and the trade-off is this: they aren’t so smooth. But what you lose in smoothness, you gain in precision, detail, and the ability to make a hairline-thin mark.

Although best suited for an experienced fountain pen user, needlepoint nibs are great for journaling, drawing, and small writing. I’ve heard from some mathematicians and scientists that they’re also great for notations.

This Needlepoint was done on a Bock #8 Fine Titanium nib.